Refund Policy

Refunds are given on digital products.

Do the Work Guarantee Offers are as applies: 

You must be live and present for all live coaching calls.

You must have completed all training’s inside of the FB GROUP.

You have to have documentation of your entire launch. Start to finish follow Amber’s process in Launch your Offer.

You must have proof of posting in your IG stories, posts, and reels everyday for the entire 2 month period.

You must have proof of posting and interacting inside of facebook groups with active relationship building for at least 10 minutes a day.

You have to show where your IG insights were when you started and where they were after the two months.

TRACK EVERYTHING FROM START TO FINISH. This will help us to look at what went right and where you can go. Track your progress!

However if not stated, no refunds available and all payments are due immediately. By purchasing the payment option you give the right to Amber Hagberg to automatically charge the card you provided. And, if you decide to quit the course before all payments are made Amber Hagberg has the right to charge the remaining payments in full to the card you provided.

Amber Hagberg wants you to be happy with your Course, however, it is your responsibility to bring up any concerns immediately. Amber Hagberg will do her absolute best to run this Course in a way that works best for you and accommodate you with any needs. However, if you do not address your concerns, Amber Hagberg is not responsible for  any claims. 

If for some reason you are not satisfied you may stop the course at any time. Because we will have invested considerable time and effort in this course, if you decide to withdraw for any reason, you will remain fully responsible for all payments and the full cost of the Program. To clarify, no refund will be provided for any reason. 

Late/Failed Fee Charge:

Offer under $500- $25.00 per week

Offer $500-$3000- $75.00 per week

Offer +3000 - $100 per week

Will be charged if payment doesn't go through within 7 days of when its dues.

If Amber Hagberg terminates the Agreement, any outstanding payments for services that already have been provided to date will be due immediately. Any payments already made that have not yet been held will be immediately refunded pro rata.

Since we have a clear and explicit Refund Policy in these Terms of Use that you have agreed to prior to completing the purchase of any of our Programs, Products, or Services, we do not tolerate or accept any type of chargeback threat or actual chargeback from your credit card company. In the event that a chargeback is placed on a purchase or we receive a chargeback threat during or after your purchase, we reserve the right to report the incident to all three credit reporting agencies or to any other entity for inclusion in any chargeback database or for listing as a delinquent account which could have a negative impact on your credit report score. The information reported will include your name, email address, order date, order amount, and billing address. Chargeback abusers wishing to be removed from the database shall make the payment for the amount of the chargeback.

If you make a purchase from one of our affiliates, or any other individual or company through a link provided on or through our Programs, Products or Services (“Merchant”), all information obtained during your purchase or transaction and all of the information that you give as part of the transaction, such as your credit card number and contact information, may be collected by the merchant and their payment processing company as well. Your participation, correspondence or business dealings with any affiliate, individual or company on or through our Programs, Products or Services, and all purchase terms, conditions, representations or warranties associated with payment, refunds, and/or delivery related to your purchase, are solely between you and the Merchant. You agree that we shall not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage, refunds, or other matters of any sort that incurred as the result of such dealings with a Merchant.Payment processing companies and Merchants may have privacy and data collection practices that are different from ours. We have no responsibility or liability for these independent policies of the payment processing companies and Merchants. In addition, when you make certain purchases through our Programs, Products or Services, you may be subject to the additional terms and conditions of a payment processing company, Merchant or us that specifically apply to your purchase. For more information regarding a Merchant and its terms and conditions that may apply, visit that merchant’s Website and click on its information links or contact the Merchant directly.

You release us, our affiliates, our payment processing company, and Merchants from any damages that you incur, and agree not to assert any claims against us or them, arising from your purchase through or use of our Website or its Content.

Viewing by Others. 

Note that whenever you make your Confidential Information or Other Information available for viewing by others such as through our Course, Programs, Products, Services, or Program Materials, our Website or social media, the Confidential Information or Other Information that you share also can be seen, collected and used others, and therefore, we cannot be responsible for any unauthorized use by others of such Confidential Information or Other Information that you voluntarily share online or in any other manner.

This is a course/program and there will be multiple people on the LIVE trainings and during the Q&A. Amber Hagberg is not responsible for anything you share. She will keep the space safe and use her discretion if someone is mis-using, abusing, or causing harm. These LIVE trainings will be recorded and possibly be used in the future. Amber Hagberg is no responsible for what other course members do with the information shared by the purchaser in the course, program, products, or service.

If you have something personal you want to share, aside from the live trainings, please email