A Jungle Business Conference for Rule Breaking, Introverted but Impact Driven Multi Passionate Multi Faceted Women

Picture yourself this December landing in Costa Rica and feeling in every cell of your body that your life is about to change. 

You get off the plane, and the energy of the country feels different. You go to the event to meet people you feel like you've known for years. 

You're surrounded by other BIG DREAMERS who are NO LONGER GOING TO HIDE how big they want to go. Women who are ready to take the stage they’ve already built and BLOW THE F UP.

This is a room that GETS it.

Who will you become when you let yourself claim your BIGNESS and let yourself be fully seen? Like.. you wanna be boho and you wanna be rich? You wanna be all natural and you wanna get dressed up and speak on stage.

Immerse yourself in the experience of deep transformation, in the jungle of Costa Rica, amongst women who are claiming their uniqueness, unconventionally and unapologetically.

This is not a business conference where you get talked at for two whole days, leave with tons of notes, and have no idea where to even start.

Day 1 - December 3rd, 2024

9:00 - 9:30 Start with coffee, tea, and a small snack to network and get to know the other sisters in the room!

9:30 - 12:30 Workshopping, Kundalini Activations, Dance Party + Sacred Sister Circle to share, Recieve Coaching, and more with Amber

12:30-1:30 Time to nourish your mind, body, and heart with delicious, mouth-watering, food from Costa Rica! The land of the pura vida while connecting more with your soul sisters

1:30-4:00 Dive even deeper into the SOUL WORK, Sisterhood, and Workshops where you'll get into your body, heart, your why, and walk away not just CLAIMING where you're going but BEING more embodied and in alignment with your direction than ever before

4:00-4:30 Coffee, tea, and snacks for connection + refuel

4:30-5:00 Closing Circle Day One Complete


Day 2 - December 4th, 2024

9:00 - 9:30 Start with coffee, tea, and a small snack to network and get to know the other sisters in the room!

9:30 - 12:30 Live Coaching with Amber from BTS of building a global retreat company and online business that has become like family so you can create this from your tribe.

12:30-1:30 Time to nourish your mind, body, and heart with delicious, mouth-watering, food from Costa Rica! The land of the pura vida while diving deeper with your soul sisters

1:30-4:00 Popcorn-style interviewing with other wave-making visionaries from Amber’s community and live hot seat coaching with Amber.

4:00-4:30 Coffee, tea, and snacks for connection + refuel

4:30-5:00 Closing Circle Day Two Complete

You have been doing this ALONE for long enough. Yes, you do mentorship, take courses, and study online. But you are ready to make and create dream soulmate connections to build your tribe! Come as strangers, leave as family!! This community is full of heart opened sisters ready to do live and business with you.

You know you’re ready to DO less and make more. You know the business strategy. You have been building your audience, creating digital assets and serving clients. You’re ready for MORE clients. MORE impact. with MORE FREE TIME. That’s exactly what the energy and mindset work on day 1 is created for.. Breaking OLD patterns and beliefs.

You’ve been following the rules and chasing strategy. Enough is enough. You are a rule breaker at heart! I’m going to show you how to LEARN the rules so that you can break them. There isn’t ONE strategy that works. There are 1000’s. I want you to leave with the strategy that will always 10x your results.. It’s YOU!!!

You know your business was meant for more than just online! You aren’t the type of person who just wants to create an online business running your transformational work from behind a scenes. NOTHING beats in person and IN REAL LIFE. You want to experience the magic of COMING together, transforming your life so that you too can create extraordinary in person events for your people.

No more playing small. You’re ready to claim your desires and how big you really want to grow your movement, your company, and build a brand that makes MASSIVE waves in the world. This isn’t just about WEALTH and the impact this will have on your family. This is about the IMPACT your work will have your clients, and your clients families. The ripple.

Goodbye shame. Goodbye Guilt. Get into the room where others feel like they cannot talk about their success and wealth… they cannot talk about their desires… It’s time to let go of the FEAR of success.. and SHARE out loud with other women WHO ARE GOING JUST AS BIG AS YOU DEEPLY KNOW YOU are here for.

Release the fear of what’s actually holding you back. You’re ready to raise your prices and call in the clients who don’t just SAY yes to working with you… they show up and DO THE WORK. You fill your offers, spaces, and community with clients who show up just like you do.

Own your uniqueness. You’re different. You’re multi faceted. Your house might not always been clean. You probably aren’t the most organized. But you are the woman who cleans her mind, strengthens her body, and is so devoted to your inner evolution. You love to stay home, the homebody vibe, but you’re also ready to step onto stages, dress up, and change the world sharing your story and owning your magic.

Choose your own experience


  • Full Access to TWO FULL DAYS of Transformation December 3rd and 4th 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

  • Workshopping, Sisterhood, and Live Coaching with Amber

  • Twice a day snacks, coffee, and tea

  • Delicious lunch on both days!

  • Plus FREE access to CASH CONVO’S a live coaching experience with Amber in September

  • Full Access to TWO FULL DAYS of Transformation December 3rd and 4th 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

  • Workshopping, Sisterhood, and Live Coaching with Amber

  • Twice a day snacks, coffee, and tea

  • Delicious lunch on both days!

  • Plus FREE access to CASH CONVO’S a live coaching experience with Amber in September

  • Goodie bag | Pen, notebook, and surprises

  • VIP Dinner 6:00pm on December 2nd

  • Party Bus 6:30pm - 8:30pm on December 3rd

  • Everything inside of VIP 2 Day Pass Here for More +++

  • A luxurious retreat for 3 nights / 2 days in Santa Ana, Costa Rica December 5th-8th

  • You will have space and slot to hold your own workshop for 1 hour to take this group of leaders 

  • This retreat is a sisterhood. Refining and mastering your art and gifts. The ability to grow and scale your business with a highly engaged and active community of dream clients.

  • For the women ready to facilitate, hold space, and master their own unique skills in life and business

  • Food + room and board included!

  • Daily hot seat coaching with Amber + one call before the retreat and one integration call after

You’re the type of woman who lives to get uncomfortable.

You don’t just achieve your goals and stop there. You get there and you think to yourself.. what more am I capable of?

You continuously stretch yourself to GROW and EXPAND into a larger version of you so you can lead your community.

This event isn’t just going to teach you HOW to grow a mass movement, ( because you already have a stage

it’s going to SHOW you who you get to become in ( you’ve done SO MUCH work already and you know there is another layer ) order to lead your tribe.

You won’t just leave this event knowing exactly what to do, you’ll have unwavering confidence, passion, and excitement to go out there and build your legacy!

With a new soul tribe of sisters.

Reignite your passion, refill your cup, and learn amongst other women paving the way and doing things unconventionally their own way!

Invest in this experience, step into the spotlight, and sell out your offers faster and easier than ever before.

Stay with us on site at the JW MARRIOTT

Click here to reserve your room

You can also check out the AC Hotel San Jose Belen

Uber’s and taxi’s are in the area at your convenience

Meet your Guide

Amber Hagberg | Retreat Facilitator, Podcast Host, Business Mentor, Retreat Coach

HIIIYA!!! I’m Amber.

I call myself the Costa Rica jungle mama, or the salty hair millionaire, the unconventional multi-passionate life and business coach.

My number one in life is FREEDOM. Freedom of expression, freedom of choice, freedom of time and money.

I’ve been living in Costa Rica since 2015, and haven’t looked back since, mostly barefoot!

I started as a yoga teacher and massage therapist who transformed quickly into a yoga teacher trainer and retreat facilitator.

I desired moreeeee…. I loved what I had AND I wanted to grow a community, a tribe of sisters and that’s when I accidentally fell into the online coaching world.

As someone who has devoted her life to personal growth since her father died in 2007, the coaching industry spoke to my soul like the yoga sutras did.

I’ve been able to create extraordinary things but not because I learned how. Because I did what it took to build confidence and evidence that anything is possible. To become the one who invested in herself and her dreams regardless of past evidence. or past results. I go ALL in every single day.

I’ve helped 6000+ clients sell out retreats around the world, served 100s of clients grow and scale their online businesses, and continue to support my clients in BEcoming the one who turns dreams into reality.

What other's have experienced

Who is this event for?

• Multi-passionate, spiritually, heart-centered entrepreneurs

• Coaches, healers, guides

• Space holders, facilitators, retreat leaders

• Your team, business besties, and family members

• Assistants, online business managers, and freelancers

• Visionaries, Storytellers, and BIG DREAMERS

• If you are devoted to BEcoming the person you need to be to create the life and business of your dreams, this event is for you.

• If you value FREEDOM, IMPACT, WEALTH, and CONNECTION, this event is for you.

If you know you are here to create SO much more, what are you waiting for??

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Getting there

Fly into San Jose Airport (SJO)

Taxi or Uber to JW Marriott Belen is just 8 minutes away.

My favorite taxi Gorilla Taxi on WhatsApp 506 -8351 - 9330

Can my family come?

YES of course! I tend to usually attract women, but men are 100% allowed. My husband and son will be on site but not in the conference rooms, you’ll probably catch them lounging by the pool and stuff LOL.

If your children want to be in there, talking notes and apart, as long as they aren’t disturbing anyone else’s experience BRING THEM!!! Babies on board and ALL.

Can I book my room at the same place as the event is held?

YES! You will find the link to book your stay at the JW Marriott Hacienda Belen.

You can also stay off-site if you choose to taxi or Uber to us daily.

Can I bring my clients or friends?

Yes of course! Spaces are limited but if you come with another you will receive a 50% commission. Email Amber@amberhagberg.com for your affiliate link.

Can I come just for the Masterpiece Retreat, December 5th-8th?

Yes of course! The Here for More 2-day VIP pass is included for FREE as a bonus to network, be a fly on the wall in how to expand your community and hang out with badass female visionary BIG dreamers.

Can you accommodate vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free diets?

Yes, when you sign up, we will be sending out a Google form that asks you about your dietary preferences. Be sure you get this back to Amber + team right away.

For two days, you'll be immersed in EXPERIENCING/EMBODYING your dreams coming to life.

This is where you'll dive into your body, heart, your why, and walk away not just CLAIMING where you're going but BEING more embodied and in alignment with your direction than ever before.

Ready to BE-COME the person it takes to build the life and legacy you know you're meant for?

You won't just leave RICHER, you'll leave spiritually wealthier.

What are you waiting for? Get yourself in the ROOM!

I knew I was ready for more.. not being where I was wasn’t already enough. My business had just 3xed. The clients in my world were literally on my dream board for years. The celebrations we were having together made my heart burst.

I was making massive waves in the world and seeing my vision come to life in real-time.

But I could feel deep down, I was meant for more.

I wanted to feel more worthy. more important. more safe. and more secure.

I wanted to have more dream soul mate clients. I wanted to receive more daily celebrations from my clients seeing their vision come to life. I wanted to have more money. more impact. and more wealth.

Because my soul’s calling desire to GROW and expand past what’s currently possible.

I have this yearning to reach and stretch beyond the current limits.

Never out of lack. Out of a desire for more.

I set the intention this year: Every decision I make this year will make me richer.

Richer in connection. Richer in joy. richer in fulfillment.

That meant — making BIG scary decisions not out of where I currently was but out of where I deeply desired to go.

I was forced to stretch my capacity to believe in myself and where I was going.

This wasn’t a ONE day decision. A one-time decision.

It was an every single day decision, I had to greet myself with.

Doubt. Fear. Sacristy.

It showed up but I tuned back into my heart’s desire…

Even if this costs me money now, even if this costs me time now, even if this XYZ now — will this make me richer inside?

If that answer was YES.

I moved.

I moved without evidence.

I moved with all the human emotions that come up.

I moved with all my doubts. my fears. my bullshit stories in my mind.

And I connected to what I know to be true from all the evidence in the past…. When I move towards what I desire, I end up living a life way bigger than I could ever dream of.

This year…. I created SO MUCH MORE.

Deeper connections and friendships, I wouldn’t have made if I didn’t book the retreat. or go solo to a few in-person events.

Standing up on stage and sharing my story from the heart.

Conceiving another child.

This EVENT itself was birthed from ONE experience that allowed me to BECOME so much more than I already was by remembering who I came here to be.

My vision. My mission. grew to be SO MUCH BIGGER so much more.